“LAMEX CARE” Warranty Policy
Every customer of LAMEX Wallcoverings deserves the peace of mind of knowing that LAMEX wallpapers are crafted to the highest of quality-standards and that as a company, our dedicated care of our customer’s needs extends way beyond the selection, purchase and installation of our wallpaper. We believe in offering a fully committed service experience and being absolutely accountable to our customers and because of this, the installation of all LAMEX wallpaper is covered by our after-installation LAMEX CARE policy. Under the terms of this policy (set out below), LAMEX will provide a replacement to a customer for any defective product that is caused by manufacturing defect. Customers must provide photographic and physical evidence of the defect prior to replacement. For installations done by LAMEX for customers, LAMEX will offer a complimentary 3 month after-installation policy whereby, LAMEX will seek to replace any faulty wallpaper and repair any defected installation, free of charge.
How does LAMEX CARE work for installations?
Beginning on the date of the completion of installation, you will be automatically offered LAMEX CARE which provides policy coverage for you for a duration of 3 months. Within these 3 months, if you encounter any problems with your wallpaper, you may contact LAMEX directly by email or by phone call. In your initial enquiry, you are required to supply to LAMEX, a detailed description of the wallpaper issue(s) encountered as well as clear photograph(s) depicting the issues. LAMEX shall assign staff to investigate and review the issues reported by the customers.
If it is established by our staff that the issues are:
- peel-off caused by faulty installation workmanship; and/or
- wallpaper defect caused by faulty wallpaper manufacturing.
upon determination, LAMEX may then:
- repair & touch up the peel-off as it sees fit, free of charge; and/or
- replace the same wallpaper, free of charge.
Other case-by-case solutions may also be offered to our customers depending on any different type of issues encountered and the surrounding circumstances.
For more details, please refer to the Terms & Conditions applicable to LAMEX CARE.
“At LAMEX, we look after our customers!”
The following terms & conditions apply and governs the LAMEX CARE policy:
- LAMEX CARE is an after sales policy which is generally only applied by Lamex to the customer when the customer has made full payment of all outstanding amounts payable to Lamex and the purchased wallpaper(s) have been completely installed at the customer’s designated premises.
- LAMEX CARE is valid for a period of 3 months post the date of the completion of installation at the customer’s premises.
- Under LAMEX CARE within the 3 months period if it is firmly established the wallpaper(s) installed by Lamex has peeled off due to defective workmanship caused directly by Lamex or its’ appointed installers; repair work and/or any actions of a suitable nature as solely determined by Lamex may be offered to the customer free of charge.
- Under LAMEX CARE within the 3 months period if it is firmly established the wallpaper(s) installed by Lamex suffers a product or manufacturing defect as conclusively verified by the company; replacement of the wallpaper(s) in the same design and quantity and/or any other actions of a suitable nature as solely determined by Lamex may be offered to the customer free of charge.
- Under LAMEX CARE within the 3 months period if it is firmly established the wallpaper(s) installed by Lamex suffers any other issues not listed in 3) & 4); Lamex any other actions of the suitable nature as solely determined by the company may be offered or suggested to the customer.
- Within the 3 months period, it is the sole and crucial responsibility of the customer to bring Lamex to the attention of any issues encountered with the installed wallpaper(s) by contacting the company via email and/or phone call with a clear and accurate description outlining the issues and the supply of clear photographs depicting the issues.
- Once an issue report is successfully received by Lamex. The company may choose to initiate an investigation, approach the matter and respond in a manner or form that the company solely deems suitable. Lamex is not obliged to act or provide any particular kind of response.
- Lamex will not be responsible for any wallpaper issues that are not caused directly by the company. Issues arising from external factors and circumstances such as but not limited to undiscovered and/or changing wall conditions, external damage such as scratches & rip-offs, moisture, leakage, smudges, underlying paint conditions which affect the wallpaper’s durability and quality shall be carefully monitored by the customer.
- LAMEX CARE is an after-sales policy that operates wholly on the discretionary determination of Lamex It is not and does not purport to be a binding warranty of any form and/or offer the warranty coverage for all products sold by the company.
- LAMEX CARE as an after-sales policy does not form part of the contract of purchase for wallpapers sold by Lamex nor does it constitute a legally binding contract of its own.
- After the expiration of the 3 months period, if there are subsequently issues of any kind encountered with the wallpaper sold by Lamex., customers are encouraged to contact the company.